The Health Puzzle (THP) is a nutrition and lifestyle directory and educational resource, providing you with all of the information you need to support and optimise your health and wellbeing.
Personalised Approach
At THP we know that everyone is unique from our genetics to the environments in which we live. Therefore, we each need a personalised approach to supporting our health and wellbeing.
Simple, Realistic & Practical
There is so much confusing and conflicting information available about health and wellbeing. At THP we will help you to cut through the fad trends and provide you with simple, realistic and practical education and advice.
Educate & Empower
At THP we aim to educate you on how to take responsibility of your own health and wellbeing. However, you cannot do everything on our own and we will help point you in the right direction to get the additional support you need.
No Magic Pill
While some of the things can have a big effect on our health at THP we believe that there is no one magic pill. Instead, change comes from lots of smaller puzzle pieces that when added together creates real and lasting change.
Prevention & Root Cause
At THP we want to educate and provide you with practical advice on how to prevent ill health. However, most people are already struggling with one or more health problems and at THP we hope to help you to find the root cause.
Qualified Professionals
THP is run by trained and qualified healthcare professionals.