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Online Nutrition Course 'Nutrition: The Corner Pieces'

'Nutrition is the foundation of health and wellbeing. This course will help you to quickly, simply and effectively have a balanced, whole food rich diet and optimise your health'

I have spent the last few years creating an online course for you named 'Nutrition: The Corner Pieces'. This course is the starting point for any health and wellbeing journey as it teaches you the fundamental information you need to know to optimise your diet.

Image of whole foods lying on a marble counter. Brightly coloured fruits and vegetables.

Click here to find out more about our online nutrition course


What is the course about?

Nutrition: The Corner Pieces focuses on the foundational building blocks (or puzzle pieces) of a healthy diet. The course begins with a personalised health and wellbeing review, through the use of a health questionnaire and food diary. Understanding where you are starting from on your health journey and thinking about what you would like to achieve is incredibly beneficial.

Image of The Health Puzzles Online Nutrition Course through Thinkific

Image of the health and wellbeing review module within the student dashboard.

I will then teach you some healthy mindset techniques that will enable you to make the most of the course and take with you going forward. By the end of the mindset changing techniques module you will understand the best way for you to personally introduce new habits, so that you can quickly and easily start and maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle long term. 

Image of The Health Puzzle's Online Nutrition course, Nutrition the Corner pieces. First slide and student dashboard for the healthy mindset module.

Image of healthy mindset module within the student dashboard.

I will then introduce you to the fundamentals of nutrition and why it is so crucial for your health and wellbeing. Before taking a deep dive into some of the key nutrition groups: hydration, electrolytes and carbohydrates.

Screenshot of the The Health Puzzle's online nutrition the corner pieces. Showing the first slide and student dashboard for the hydration module. Slide says 'Hydration: what is it & what are its functions'.

Image of hydration module within the student dashboard.

The course ends with a final health and wellbeing review to see the progress that you have made as a result of the course.

Click here to find out more about our online nutrition course


Why you should do this course first?

  1. Nutrition is the foundation of health and wellbeing.

Check out our recent blog post where I discussed why nutrition is the foundation of health and wellbeing. In this post I share why you should do this course before seeing a Nutritional Therapist or endlessly searching free online content like blogs and podcasts. I also discussed why I beleive that nurition is the foundaiton of health (the place everyone should start their health journey), rather than sleep, exercise, stress reduction, etc. 

2.  Self-Guided

We all lead very busy and complex lives making it incredibly difficult to see practitioners in person regularly or dedicate large chunks of time during the week to focus on a specific thing. Nutrition: The Corner Pieces is a self-guided course made up of pre-recorded videos, downloads and quizzes. You can complete the course anywhere you can access the internet from a train to a hotel room, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can break it down into 10 minute chunks or dedicate time to focus on one module per month. This course can work around you and your schedule. 

4. Lifetime Access

Every who purchases Nutrition: The Corner Pieces will get lifetime access to the course and all future updates/additions.

5.  Actionable

I do not just provide you with the education, I also provide you with simple, easy and effective guidance on how to implement a healthy and balanced diet. Unlike when you read a book or listen to a podcast you will be much more likely to actually start to take the steps recommended now and into the future. 

6.  Interesting and Fun

I am not an instant smarty pants, I am someone who needs to look at ideas and concepts in a number of different ways for it to finally click. I have therefore used lots of different ways to help you to understand the science of nutrition so that you can truly understand what it is you should be eating and drinking, and why. I have used images, diagrams, varying explanations and more to help keep things interesting, fun and enjoyable.

7.  Evidence Based

I am a qualified nutritional therapist with years of personal experience in the world of health and wellbeing. Having completed two degrees I know a thing or two about finding evidence based information and knowing when something just does not add up. I have created this course using journals and other highly regarded sources of information.

Are you ready to start optimising your health?

If you would like to know more and to enrol on Nutrition: The Corner Pieces click HERE.

Graphic with text saying Nutrition: The Corner Pieces, online, self-led nutrition course teaching you the basics of a whole food rich, balanced diet. Simple and effective changes that you can quickly introduce and continue long-term. Created by qualified Nutritional Therapist Josie Shillabeer. Click here to find out more and enrol.

Click here to find out more about our online nutrition course

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