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What is a Health Puzzle?

'When we are unwell we have been conditioned to think that there is a magic pill that is going to sort all of our problems'

Josie Shillabeer Nutritional Therapist image with writing below saying Author Josie Shillabeer (BA Hons, DipNUT) Nutritional Therapist and Founder of The Health Puzzle.

When we are mentally or physically unwell we have been conditioned to think that there is a magic pill that is going to sort all of our problems.

That was me back in 2012 when I began to struggle with numerous health conditions. I assumed that the GP would have all of the answers and a magic pill was ready and waiting for me at the pharmacy to make everything better.

However, I very quickly found out that there was no such thing as a magic pill and that while some things like medications, supplements and lifestyle changes can make a significant impact, no one thing holds all of the answers.

Instead it is more like building a health puzzle with each new potential change being a puzzle piece.

I had to begin the journey of building my own personalised health puzzle after finding there was no magic pill. I began mine by learning to rest and ate more nutritious foods. After speaking to friends I then took up hatha yoga and began using essential oils. After seeing a specialist I began taking certain medications and after more research used nutrition and lifestyle changes to help rebalance my mind and body enough to come back off those medications again.

I have continued building and adapting my own health puzzle for over a decade now and each new piece that I add to mine has helped me to get closer to having optimal health and wellbeing.

Some of the puzzle pieces you try out will not fit into your health puzzle, even when they have been a big part of someone else's. For example, you know that a certain supplement or medication has worked wonders for a friend, but when you try it, it either does not work or even makes your feel worse. This is because we are all genetically different, we all live and have lived very different lives and are all in varying states of health.

By piecing together nutrition and lifestyle changes that work for you, you can build your own health puzzle and start your journey towards optimal health and wellbeing.

Happy puzzling!

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