Check out the Air Doctor 3500 air purifier recommended by Nutritionists. Plus, use our discount code to get $300 off!
Author: Josie Shillabeer (Nutritional Therapist)
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In this post we are going to take a look at the Air Doctor 3500 (Amazing Air in the UK), an air purifier used and recommended by nutritionists and other healthcare professionals. Firstly, we are going to take a look at why you should use an air purifier, especially if you are looking to improve your health. I am then going to tell you about my experience with Chronic Fatigue and Mould before taking a deep dive into why you should choose the Air Doctor 3500.
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Why is indoor air quality important?
Did you know that the air that you are breathing in when you are indoors is filled with dust, mould spores, flame retardants, perfumes, microplastics, bacteria and other toxins that can impact your health!
As many of us spend up to 90% of our time indoors (working, cooking, relaxing & sleeping) it is really important that we think about what we are breathing in each and every day.
Poor indoor air quality is linked with numerous health conditions and symptoms including:
Hormone Imbalances
Mood Changes
Skin Issues (Dry, Itchy, Inflamed, Rashes, Allergic Reactions)
Fatigue/Low Energy/Chronic Fatigue
Difficulty Concentrating and/or Memory Issues
Brain Fog
Digestive Issues (IBS, Bloating, Changes in Bowel Movements)
Immune System Imbalances (Sneezing, Irritated Nose/Throat/Lungs)
Respiratory Issues (Coughing, Wheezing, Shortness of Breath)
Increased risk of certain cancers
and more!
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms I highly recommend that you look to improve your indoor air quality. Try to reduce the number of toxins within your home, such as, perfumed personal care products, non-natural cleaning products, mould and dust. You will not be able to reduce everything and that is where an air purifier comes in.
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Why I purchased the Air Doctor 3500
I had experienced chronic fatigue for over five years and was looking into every possible way that I could go about improving my health. While I had worked hard to optimise my diet, sleep and exercise my health was still not where I wanted it to be.
In 2021 I found out through a urine test that my body had high levels of Ochratoxin A, a toxin produced by mould that is often found in a water damaged house. After testing my home I found that it was in the loft and that it was caused by a roof leak and excess condensation. As my bedroom is where the loft hatch is, the air I was breathing for hours each night contained chemicals produced by the mould spores that were harmful for my health.

I was unable to leave where I was living and I knew that I needed to find a way of reducing my exposure. After coming across the work of Dr. Jill Crista, author of 'Break the mold' and speaking to other healthcare professionals I learnt about the Air Doctor 3500 air purifier.
From my research into air purifiers I knew that I needed to find one that had:
A HEPA filter that would filter particles as small as 0.003 microns (compared to 0.3 microns found in most air purifiers on the market).
Low cost to run.
Filters that were easy to change and not too expensive.
Didn't make too much noise (I was going to be sleeping in the same room).
The ability to be used all around the house.
Had multiple speed settings for different room sizes & situations.
Easy to set up and use without any installation.
The Air Doctor 3500 air purifier kept coming up, ticked all the boxes and after comparing it to alternatives on the market it felt like a no brainer!
While improving my indoor air quality was not the only thing that helped me to recover from chronic fatigue, I certainly believe that it was a key puzzle piece.
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Review of the Air Doctor 3500 air purifier after 3 years
I purchased the Air Doctor 3500 in 2021. I was really pleased that it looked exactly like it did in the pictures when it arrived and was very easy to set up and learn how to use. I have broken my review down into different sections below.
The Air Doctor air purifier's come in six sizes: 1000, 2000, 2500, 3500, 4000 & 5500.
The Air Doctor 1000
23 inches tall, 9 inches wide, 9 inches deep.
The Air Doctor 2000
18.72 inches tall, 13.85 inches wide, 6.6 inches deep.
The Air Doctor 2500
20.7 inches tall, 15.9 inches wide, 9 inches deep.
The Air Doctor 3500
23 inches tall, 15.75 inches wide, 8.75 inches deep.
The Air Doctor 4000 (Pre-order now)
28 inches tall, 13.9 inches wide, 13.9 inches deep.
The Air Doctor 5500
28.75 inches tall, 16 inches wide, 16 inches deep.
I personally choose the Air Doctor 3500 as I knew that I wanted to:
Use the air purifier over a larger area, covering multiple rooms.
I would sometimes be using it for short bursts of time e.g. 30 minutes - 1 hour and that a larger device would filter more in that time.
My indoor air pollution was particularly bad and I wanted to do all that I could to support my health.
As the air filters through the front you can have it up against a wall. The main things to think about are that you do not have anything that can get into the filters i.e. curtains or clothing too close by. You also want to make sure that the top of the air purifier is not covered and there is ample room above it for the air to be released.
I personally have mine sat on a drinks trolley due to space limitations but it has been designed to sit on the floor. I have personally found no differences in the air quality and it works well for me and my situation.
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Easy of use/settings
I was expecting this air purifier to be harder to use and maintain. However, it has been really simple which really reduces any barriers to me using it each day.
Out of the box I was able to easily install the filters, plugged it in and hit the on button. When you turn the device on using the button on the top lefthand side of the air purifier (see image above) it glows from red to blue and automatically turns itself into auto mode.
You can leave it in auto mode or select 1 of 4 speed settings by hitting the speed button.
Speed 1 (low) is very quiet and gentle, perfect for when you are leaving it on for multiple hours i.e. working or sleeping.
Speed 2 I personally use when I am using the air purifier in one room and am giving it a quick 30 minute air refresh. It isn't too noisy and works really well.
Speed 3 and 4 (high) are great when you want to cover larger spaces in short bursts or you are doing something within a smaller room that you would like to be removed quickly. I use this setting when I have sprayed myself or my room with something that I do not want to breathe in but cannot avoid using it.
I personally use the Air Doctor 3500 air purifier by selecting the speed manually as I have found that the auto sensor only picks up larger matter that is close to the sensor, e.g. if I was to spray dry shampoo or change the bed creating lots of dust movement. I have come to learn what setting to use when, e.g. speed 1 first sleeping and working, speed 2 for a quick 30 minute burst in my bedroom or when I am changing my bed and speed 4 for a quick 1/2 house burst or when I know that there is something I want to remove from my rooms air quickly.
You have the option of setting a timer, this would be great if you want to leave the air purifier on for a few hours while you are out but do not want it on all day.
A button that I use all the time is the dim button, this turns all of the lights off on the device (top and front) making it easier to sleep.
Finally is the ion button, I choose to turn this on when I am using it for short bursts and generally not in the room but I tend not to leave it on while I am sleeping. For those of you who have done our online nutrition course 'Nutrition: The Corner Pieces' you will know that an ion is a positively or negatively charged atom.
An ioniser works by releasing negatively charged ions which attach themselves to particles, such as dust and bacteria. This makes them attracted to positively charged surfaces, such as your Air Doctor 3500 air purifier where they can be filtered out. While this is great for purifying the air, the health impacts of releasing lots of negatively charged ions needs more research. I would therefore recommend that you only use the ion button for short bursts or when you are not close to the device.
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I really struggle to sleep or work with sound in the room, such as a ticking clock. One of my main worries when purchasing the Air Doctor 3500 air purifier was that it was going to have an annoying sound or be really noisy. I was really pleased that on the lowest setting it makes a very gentle sound that acts a lot like white noise. With white noise machines they help to block out external noises and I find it does just that. If there is a distracting noise, such as, snoring while I am sleeping or building work when I am working I put it on just to make use of the white noise effect. The sound was easy to get used to and easy to sleep with.
I tend only to use the higher setting in larger areas of the house or for short bursts so the noise is not a problem. At maximum speed it is probably as loud as a washing machine (depending on how loud yours is) but unless you are looking to use it for a short burst of time over a larger area you may be less likely to use the maximum setting.
One thing to note that I have noticed to be a little annoying is that when you first turn the air purifier on and put it straight onto the lowest speed setting it does make more noise for a few seconds before quieting down. This is something to think about if you want to turn it on before bed and someone else is in the room sleeping. You will just want to get into the habit of turning it on before they go to sleep.
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Cleaning & replacing filters
The Air Doctor 3500 air purifier has two filters, one of which has a pre-filter attached to it. Every few months (ideally every 4-6 weeks) I will take out the first filter and give it a quick hoover and wipe off. It often contains lots of dust and hair that can easily be removed and this helps to extend the life of the filters. The pre-filter is held on with velcro so you can remove it and wash it in some warm, soapy water. I would recommend that you take this off very carefully, wash it carefully and take your time to put it back on. The first time I washed mine I was a little too aggressive and it pulled it out of shape making it harder to go back on as it has stretched.
There are then two more filters that the air passes through, a carbon/gas trap/VOC filter and then a UltraHEPA filter. The carbon filter should be replaced about every 6 months and the UltraHEPA filter every 12 months. However, if you use the larger Air Doctor device in a smaller room or you use your device less regularly you will find that they last a lot longer.
You can replace each filter individually but what is great about the replacement filter combo box is that you have a year's supply of filters that works out a lot cheaper. To replace the filters you make sure that the air purifier is turned off at the outlet, pull the front panel off (it is hinged at the bottom), pull out the old filter and pop in the new one, close the front panel and you are done.
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Final Thoughts
I am very happy with my Air Doctor 3500 air purifier! After weeks of research I knew that it was much better at cleaning the air than the vast majority of air purifiers on the market. Now having used it for three years I can honestly say that it does a fantastic job at cleaning the air in both my bedroom or 1/2 house (3-4 rooms). When you walk back into the room after leaving the Air Doctor 3500 air purifier on for 30 minutes it is very noticeable and very pleasant to breathe in. It makes you want to take lots of deep breaths just to enjoy the fresh air.
As a Nutritionist I would recommend this device to clients and I am frequently recommending it to friends and family. Fresh air is very important for your health and the Air Doctor 3500 air purifier does a really great job at creating it!
Air Doctor Discount Codes
If you would like to purchase one of Air Doctor's air purifiers, or any of the replacement filters make the most of our discount codes below!
Save $300 off Air Doctor 3500
Save $399 off Air Doctor 4000 (Pre-order special)
Save $300 off Air Doctor 5500
Save $110 off Air Doctor 1000
Save $110 off Air Doctor 2000
All you need to do is click on the button below and you will be taken to the Air Doctor website, the discount will automatically be applied.
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